Fern is a commercially astute strategic leader, with over 25 years’ experience in education, covering all levels and a wide range of sectors areas. Since completing her doctorate in neuropsychopedagogy at Brunel University, she has worked at a large Greater London FE college, at UCL on the “sounds of intent” project, at Gloucestershire University- where she wrote an MA in inclusive education and was a senior lecturer on PGCE courses, and as a mentor for doctoral students at The Open University and Brunel University.
Within the awarding sector, Fern has been involved in the development of qualifications and assessments across a variety of sector and subject areas and worked in Quality Assurance and compliance with a number of awarding bodies, including Ofqual, ABE, and REC and RSL Awards. She is also active in providing input into policy directions in the four devolved nations. Fern is currently at the Internationally renowned Creative and Performing Arts Awarding Body RSL Awards. She is a Chartered Manager and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Managers and is the Deputy Chair of their Regulatory and Compliance Board.
Fern was appointed to the ai-in-education (https://www.ai-in-education.co.uk) Examiners panel, providing expertise and insights into how AI is influencing exam board thinking.
Fern is a trustee for SEND unlocked, a Royal Parks Ranger, and is passionate about the provision of excellence in academic, technical, Vocational and Skills education that excites and prepares all learners for their futures.